Lifecycle Email Optimization
Welcome Emails: What to Say, When to Send, and How to Optimize Them | Robin Lynn Crump
Are you sending welcome emails?
(More than a single “welcome to My Business — now buy my stuff” email?)
If your answer is NO, you’re missing the opportunity to strengthen KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST.
Plus, you’re leaving bundles of cash on the table.
Here’s why.
The average open rate for welcome emails is an eye-popping 50%. That’s 86% more than broadcast messages, according to MarketingSherpa.
Satisfied customers eagerly stick and stay, which drives lifetime customer value percentages through the roof.
Your welcome emails set the foundation for the customer experience with your brand.
But sending emails all about YOU leaves your customers wondering what’s in it for them.
Customer Experience
Evaluating Your Customer Service Program: Why, Challenges, and KPIs
Does your customer support measure up?
During the past two years, we saw unprecedented competition in ecommerce, pushing acquisition costs higher. With that, merchants shifted focus to retaining customers, and providing an exceptional customer experience became a central strategy for most businesses. Today, delivering an exceptional experience is just as important as the product — since COVID, 50% of U.S. customers now prioritize customer service when deciding whether to purchase from a brand.
Ecommerce Marketing Spotlight
18 Common Ecommerce Mistakes to Avoid (2022)
There’s a difference between having an online store and having one that is successful. Learn the 18 common mistakes ecommerce store owners are making.